Travel tip: Organic and natural cosmetics for traveling

I hardly use any cosmetic product, but I have a few favorites that are must haves when traveling. They are all organic, vegan and cruelty free. Some of them are even raw! Read more here...

1. 100% pure tea tree oil form Primavera (€4,80). Tea tree oil is antiseptic, anti bacterial and smells gorgeous. I use it on small spots and cuts or sores. Combined with magnesium oil or baking soda, tea tree oil makes great deodorant.

2. We have to love LUSH. They were the first company that bought me about natural and cruelty free cosmetics, and I still love them although they use some chemical stuff in their products. This is The Guv'ner deodorant (€11,65). Usually I make make own, but this one smells amazing and it was a gift from friend J. One small bottle like this will last you more than a year.

3. Argan oil. This one is by Argan Acounna Agadir (around €3,- in Morocco, €15,- in Europe) but any brand is ok, as long as it is cold pressed and not mixed with other oils. Where should I start with this one? I mainly use this as a  day and night cream, after sun (don't use IN the sun, you will regret it!) and hair oil. But you can use it as a massage oil, body oil, baby oil and lip balm too. I think this is the skin secret of all these gorgeous Moroccan woman, besides the hammam of course!

4. My lovely and trusted Surf Mud ($24,-) by Eir NYC. This is raw, organic and hand whipped surf zinc with cocoa and tea tree. I always use it very lightly when I go out in the sun, and put on a nice thick layer when I go for a surf. This surf mud works very well, tried and tested by me in Australia, Morocco, France and Spain. Unfortunately only available in the USA and France but hopefully that will change soon.

5. Lavera Classic toothpaste with echinacea and propolis (€2,99). When you travel, you don't want problems with your gums. This organic and cruelty free toothpaste will protect your teeth and gums and gives you a nice breath too.

6. Dr. Bronners All-One Hemp Tea Tree Soap (€5,50) I think by now you guys get that I looooooooove tea tree. Dr. Bronners is a great soap that is all organic and from natural ingredients. You can use it to wash your body, your hair, your clothes, your food, your baby and your kitten. Probably your car too.

With this little kit you are well prepared for a great (surf) trip that will last you a long time without spending a fortune.

What do you use during your (surf) trip? Please leave your tips in the comments!

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