Recipe: Pre surf brekky - Raw chocolate buckwheat granola

The most important meal of the day is breakfast, everybody knows that! Before I go surfing I like to have a proper brekky full of healthy carbs that will keep me going for a while when I'm in the water. Today was still pretty cold (7 degrees) but the waves were supposed to be good and friend J. invited me to go surfing in Wijk aan Zee, one of the best spots around here. The spot is only accessible by car, something I don't have, so I was happy to go with J.
Recipe below. 

To be fully prepared I decided to have some coconut yoghurt with my magical pre surf raw chocolate granola for extra paddle power. Topped with banana this was the perfect energy source I needed with choppy Dutch waves with an extra nice western onshore. I managed to squeeze out a few decent rides and I'm stoked for the coming week.

Here is the amazing recipe, you will need a dehydrator or an oven that you can put on a very low temperature!

☼ 3 cups of sprouted and dehydrated buckwheat berries
☼ 3 medjool dates
☼ 1 tbsp raw cocoa
☼ 1 cup soaked, mixed nuts (I used pecan, walnut, cashew and sunflower seed)
☼ 1 banana
☼ a dash of cinnamon
☼ a dash of sea salt
☼ little bit of water

Of course you can add anything you like, I think shredded coconut would be nice with this mix too, or some pumpkin seeds. Basically, I just used the above because it was in my kitchen!

Put the soaked nuts in a kitchen machine and chop them up. Put them in a bowl and leave them for later. Now put the dates, cocoa, banana, cinnamon, sea salt and a little bit of water in your kitchen machine and pulse till you get a nice, creamy chocolate cream. If the cream is not sweet enough, you can add raw honey, stevia or any other sweetener you like.

Add the chocolate cream to the shredded nuts and put the buckwheat berries in the mix too. Stir until well combined and spread the mixture on the teflex covered trays of your dehydrator (or on your  oven tray lined with baking paper). Dehydrate until crispy, I usually make this in the evening and it will be ready in the morning. If you are using the oven, set the temp on 48 degrees or lower.

Once crispy, grab a nice bowl and combine the raw granola with your favorite plant based mylk, plant based yoghurt or smoothie. Finish of with some sliced banana and other toppings such as chia seeds, shredded coconut or fresh fruit. Enjoy and surf your brains out!

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